Hi everyone! Today I am presenting a Lush Cosmetics Blogs and Resources List. I’m currently in the process of getting a bunch of Lush posts up, but I want to create this post to reference in all of my Lush-related posts. I’ve been a Lushie for awhile, and love keeping up with the Lush community. I also wanted to make my own effort at “archiving” references to some of my favorite Lush blogs!
Are you an online content creator who posts Lush content and would like to be added to this list? Feel free to use the contact form to submit a request to have your link featured. The only requirements are that you are active and post Lush-related content like unboxings and reviews. Likewise, if you see yourself on this list and wish to be removed, you can use the contact form for that as well. If you become inactive, you will be added to the “inactive” list.
Last Updated: 10/16/2023
Active Lush Blogs List
Lush A Lot – Lush Encyclopedia
Musingsofamuse – Not exclusively a Lush blog, but she has been covering all of the Lush ranges as they come out for a while, as well as reviewing products. This is linked to her tagged Lush posts.
Inactive Lush Blogs List
AllThingsLushUK – Iconic Lush archive blog by Jen
Active Youtube
Nicholushie – Lush Reviews & Unboxings
Lush Community:
Lush.Scents (spoilers & previews of new Lush Products)
Lush Cosmetics Blogs and Resources List (This page)
Official Lush Sites
LushUSA – For purchasing in the states
Lush Usa Kitchen Subscription – This is now a separate site from the regular Lush Usa, you will have to log in here to access or sign up for a Lush Kitchen Subscription.
LushUK – Some people from the US like to order from Lush UK to get exclusives. Back in the day, some people (myself included) would order from the Lush UK site to get items for cheaper. I’m not sure if that’s still the case.
Ego Death Dolls
[…] Lush Cosmetics Blogs and Resources List […]
[…]  Lush Cosmetics Blogs and Resources List […]